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Beverly Strassmann

Professor, Anthropology

[email protected]

Office Information:

Office: 206-C West Hall
Lab: 423-D & 424 West Hall
1085 S. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107
Office: 5258 ISR
426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

phone: 734.936.0428
hours: Thursday 2:00pm-4:00pm in 5258ISR and by appointment via email

Biological; Anthropology


Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1990

Current Courses

ANTHRARC 956-001
Responsible Conduct of Anthropological Research

ANTHRBIO 464-001
Behavioral Biology of Women

ANTHRBIO 469-001
Topics in Biological Anthropology

ANTHRBIO 956-001
Responsible Conduct of Anthropological Research

ANTHRCUL 956-001
Responsible Conduct of Anthropological Research