Cimmerer's desk in the Africa range of UMMAA for the last several months

Congratulations to Kristin Cimmerer on receiving this award! Read on to learn more about her work and how she felt receiving this award.

Named for the late Virginia Voss, who graduated from the University of Michigan in the 1950s and served as College Editor of Mademoiselle Magazine, the Voss Awards are given each year to senior Honors women for excellence in writing.

This award will be presented on Thursday, May 2, 2019.



What is your major/area focus?
I am a double major in anthropological archaeology and Evolutionary anthropology.

How does it feel to receive this award?
I’m very surprised and honored!

Who is your thesis advisor?
Dr. Brian Stewart

What was the title of your thesis?

“Short-Term Technological Change at Melikane Rockshelter, Lesotho”

Can you tell me a little about what inspired your thesis?
I was inspired by the incredible evolutionary story of humanity, and I’m especially interested in how the lifeways, technologies, and ideologies of early mobile societies were shaped by dynamic environmental and demographic parameters.

What are your plans after graduation?
I have accepted a fall internship with the Regenstein Pacific Collections at the Field Museum in Chicago, during which I’ll also likely be applying to PhD programs for fall 2020.

Do you have any advice for future honors students?
Academic research, reading, and writing are not innate skills—they are learned, and they take practice to hone. So if you feel frustrated and overwhelmed at times, just know you aren’t alone, and it’s all a part of the process. It will come together with time and perseverance.

Anything else you’d like to share?
I wouldn’t be where I am now without the support of many amazing people and mentors! You’ve all inspired me so much. Thank you.