Anthropology's 2017 Graduate Award Recipients
"The International Institute (II) and the Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan awarded $639,996 in support of research and internships to 175 students through 12 funding opportunities. Students will travel abroad between May 2017 and May 2018 to conduct research or serve internships in 80 locations." Margo Lakin, LSA International Institute
Rackham International Research Award
- Jamie Anderson, PhD anthropology and history, Brazil: “The Angolan Foundations of Candomblé religion in Salvador, Brazil”
- Amelia Frank-Vitale, PhD anthropology, Honduras: “Saber Vivir: Deportation, Migration, and Knowing How to Live in Honduras”
- Zehra Hashmi, PhD anthropology and history, Pakistan: “Biometric Belonging: Kinship, Identification and Security in Urban Pakistan”
- Huatse Huazejia, PhD anthropology, China and Tibet: “Divide & Rehouse: The Impacts of Tibetan Pastoral Abandonment”
- Ozgecan Korkmaz, PhD anthropology, Turkey and England: “Ethics of Change: Moral Subjecthood and Responsibility in Rural Kurdistan”
- Sheng Long, PhD anthropology, China: “Numbering Land: Social Category and Geography in Rural China Reform”
- Magdalena Zegarra, PhD anthropology, Peru: “Growing Old on the Margins: Exploring Intimacy, Abandonment, and Care”
African Studies Center Research and Internship Funding
- Christine Chalifoux, PhD anthropology, Uganda and Ethiopia: “Kinship and Christianity: Transnational Adoption in Uganda and Ethiopia”
- Kristen Connor, PhD anthropology and history, England and Uganda: “States of the Sky: Rainmaking and Meteorology in 20th Century Uganda”
- Sargeant Donovan-Smith, PhD anthropology and history, Liberia: “A Post-War (Re)Turn to School: Liberians and Higher Ed in the 21st Century”
- Benjamin Finkel, PhD anthropology, Uganda: “Feeding strategies of old chimpanzees; Uganda”
- Promise McEntire, PhD anthropology, Burkina Faso: “Language Socialization, Gender, and Agency in the ‘Development’ Context”
- Kyra Pazan, PhD anthropology, Lesotho and South Africa: “Lean on Me: Social Networks and Lithic Technology in MIS 3 Lesotho”
- Sharmi Sen, PhD anthropology, Ethiopia: “Examining the Role of Male ‘Follower’ Strategy in Geladas”
- Nikolas Sweet, PhD anthropology, Senegal: “Verbal Play and the Construction of Relatedness in Southeastern Senegal”
- Saquib Usman, PhD anthropology, France and Morocco: “Seeing Blindness in Structure, Culture, and Politics”
Individual Fellowships
- Christine Chalifoux, PhD anthropology, Uganda and Ethiopia: “Kinship and Christianity: Transnational Adoption in Uganda and Ethiopia”
- Kristen Connor, PhD anthropology and history, England and Uganda: “States of the Sky: Rainmaking and Meteorology in 20th Century Uganda”
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Field Research Grant
- Cintia Huitzil, PhD anthropology / social work, Mexico: “(Re)Conquista: Immigration and Native American Reservations”
- Victoria Koski-Karell, PhD anthropology, Haiti: “An Anthropologist's Perspective on a Cholera Elimination Program in Haiti”
- Adolmary Pena, PhD anthropology, Dominican Republic: “Making Tourist Spaces: Infrastructure, Aesthetics, and Renewal in Dominican Republic”
- Jennifer Sierra, PhD anthropology, Peru: “Discursive Practices in Online Social Media by Amazonian Youth”
- Elizabeth Werren, PhD anthropology, Brazil: “Genetic Susceptibility Underlying Zika Virus-Induced Microcephaly in Brazil”
Armenian Studies Program Summer Research Grant
- Jeremy Johnson, PhD anthropology and history, Georgia and Armenia: “Literacy Unveiled”
- Ozgecan Korkmaz, PhD anthropology, Turkey and England: “Ethics of Change: Moral Subjecthood and Responsibility in Rural Kurdistan”
Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Research, Internship, and Fellowship Program Grants
- Carrie Morgan, PhD anthropology, Albania and Kosovo: “Language, Personhood, and Territory in Contemporary Albania and Kosovo”
- Gyorgyi Parditka, PhD anthropology, Hungary and Serbia: “Changes at the Dawn of Late Bronze Age in South Carpathian Basin”
Individual Fellowships
- Swapna Nelaballi, PhD anthropology, Indonesia: “Assessing the Relative Effectiveness of Primates as Seed Dispersers”
Center for European Studies Summer Research and Internship Grants
- Saquib Usman, PhD anthropology, France and Morocco: “Seeing Blindness in Structure, Culture, and Politics”
For the full list of awards, visit the LSA International Institutes website.
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