Dr. Erica Lehrer is the principal investigator on the Thinking Through the Museum (TTTM) research project. The project was awarded a $2.5 million grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. TTTM "brings together university researchers, museum professionals, and members of diverse communities to respond to colonial legacies and other histories of injustice with new forms of engagement."
In addition to her role with the TTTM project, Dr. Lehrer published "Materiality and Holocaust Memory: Activating and Theorizing Poland’s Unquiet Places" in the Jewish Quarterly Review. Her article delves into her own experiences and research from her participation in a "new program at the budding Research Centre on the History and Culture of Jews in Poland at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków" in 1992. Dr. Lehrer's chapter was also featured in The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism.
Her chapter is titled "Museums and Curatorial Activism". Erica Lehrer is a professor in the History and Sociology-Anthropology departments at Concordia University. She is also the F ounding Director of the university's Curating and Public Scholarship Lab (CaPSL) and from 2007-2017 She held the Canada Research Chair in Museum and Heritage Studies.