On January 10, 2018, Martin A. Philbert, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs for the University of Michigan, charged and convened a task force of university faculty, students, and staff to address fundamental questions pertaining to “Undergraduate Education in the Third Century.” Over the course of a year, the task force convened to establish a set of shared values, research and benchmark best practices, and ultimately challenge the university to build upon our strong undergraduate experience in ways that further our shared values.
This plenary session will have two goals: (1) to share highlights of the report and (2) to allow participants to contribute to the discourse by discussing in small table groups and reporting out. This presents a special opportunity for those of us in the student facing areas to provide feedback on the recommendations of the task force. This input will be summarized and shared with the Provost.
This plenary session will feature the co-chairs of the Third Century Task Force: Anne Curzan, Associate Dean for the Humanities and Mark Moldwin, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, who will briefly summarize the process and share the key recommendations.