The Urban History Association Board of Directors announced the winners of the UHA's 2019 award contests and our very own Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof was one of them. 

About Racial Migrations: New York City and the Revolutionary Politics of the Spanish Caribbean

New York was not just a leading American metropolis in the nineteenth century, it was a forum for independence movements that facilitated political activism for revolutionaries working and writing throughout the Caribbean. Racial Migrations charts the actions of Caribbean-born artisans and journalists who came together in New York as part of La Liga education society. These men and women, from writers to midwives to cigar makers, discussed and debated anti-colonial movements and, through their education and cultural associations, circulated those ideas back throughout the Caribbean world to turn into political organizing and to fuel nationalist independence movements. As they did, they worked to untangle the system of racial hierarchy that organized European influence in the Caribbean and undermined nationalist ideals, illustrating the challenging racial entanglements of anticolonialism. 

Read the full announcement here:

Learn more about Jesse's book here: