AMCULT 103 - First Year Seminar in American Studies

Section 002, SEM

Gender, Sexuality, and Health in America

Instructor: Stern, Alexandra

Credits: 3

TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM


AMCULT 226 - The Latin Tinge: Latin Music in Social Context in Latin America and the U.S.

Section 001, LEC

Instructor: Hoffnung-Garskof, Jesse E

Credits: 3

MW 2:30PM - 4:00PM


AMCULT 243 - Introduction to Study of Latinas in the U.S.

 Section 001, LEC

Cross-Listed Classes: WOMENSTD 243 - U.S. Latinas, Section 001

Instructor: Mora, Anthony P

Credits: 3

MW 2:00PM - 3:00PM (lecture) + section


AMCULT 304 - American Immigration

Section 001, LEC

Cross-Listed Classes: SOC 304 - Amer Immigration, Section 001

Instructor: Pedraza, Silvia

Credits: 4

MW 10:00AM - 11:30AM


AMCULT 315 - History of Latinos in the U.S.

Section 001, LEC

Spanish Language Discussion Section:

Students with strong Spanish language skills have the opportunity to participate in the Spanish language discussion section. SPANISH CONCENTRATORS AND MINORS who enroll in the Spanish section (W 1:00-2:30PM) will receive 3 CREDITS TOWARD THEIR SPANISH REQUIREMENTS.

Cross-Listed Classes: HISTORY 377 - Hist Latinos In U.S., Section 001

Instructor: Hoffnung-Garskof, Jesse E

Credits: 4

MW 10:00AM - 11:30AM (lecture) + section


AMCULT 319 - Empowering Families and Communities

Section 001, LAB

Students must choose a Detroit area placement with Latina/o communities in order for course to count towards Latina/o Studies concentration or minor.

Instructor: Carter, Rona

Credits: 4

TuTh 11:30AM - 1:00PM


AMCULT 327 - Latino/Latina Literature of the U.S.

Section 001, LEC

Cross-Listed Classes: ENGLISH 387 - Latino A Lit, Section 001

Instructor: Carroll, Amy Sara

Credits: 3

TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM


AMCULT 405 - Topics in American Culture

Section 001, SEM

Literature and Culture of the Borderlands

This course is taught in Spanish. Please contact the instructor for permission to enroll in this course.

Meet Together Classes: SPANISH 440 - Lit&Cul Borderlnd, Section 001

Instructor: La Fountain-Stokes,Lawrence M

Credits: 3

MW 1:00PM - 2:30PM


AMCULT 504 - American Immigration: Sociological Perspectives

Section 001, SEM

Advisory Prerequisites: Graduate standing; seniors with permission of instructor.

Cross-Listed Classes: SOC 504 - Am IMM:Soc Perspec, Section 001

Instructor: Pedraza, Silvia

Credits: 3

TuTh 4:00PM - 5:30PM


ANTHRCUL 458 - Topics in Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology

Section 001, SEM

Material Culture and Violence

Instructor: De Leon, Jason P

Credits: 3

MW 10:00AM - 11:30AM


SPANISH 373 - Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures

Section 001, REC

Bilingualism in the Spanish-Speaking World

Instructor: Satterfield, Teresa L

Credits: 3

MW 2:30PM - 4:00PM



AMCULT 205 - American Cultures

Section 005, LEC

Race, American Culture and Video Games

Instructor: Nakamura, Lisa Ann

Credits: 3

MW 2:30PM - 4:00PM


AMCULT 406 - Caribbean Literature

Section 001, LEC

Instructor: Goodison, Lorna G

Credits: 3

MW 11:30AM - 1:00PM


AMCULT 498 - Humanities Approaches to American Culture

 Section 003, SEM

Race on the Internet

Instructor: Cheney, John C

Credits: 3

MW 1:00PM - 2:30PM


AMCULT 498 - Humanities Approaches to American Culture

Section 004, SEM

Incarcerated America

Instructor: Meisler, Richard A

Credits: 3
MW 6:30PM - 8:00PM