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Poetry Night in Ann Arbor

Thursday, November 14, 2013
5:00 AM
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Michigan League

Ann Arbor’s fabulous high school poets will share the stage with Guggenheim and NEA Fellowship Winner, multiple Pushcart Prize winner and National Book Award finalist, Kim Addonizio. She is joined by performance poetry star, Aaron Samuels.

Kim Addonizio has been called “one of our nation’s most provocative and edgy poets.” Her latest books are Lucifer at the Starlite, a finalist for the Poets Prize and the Northern CA Book Award; and Ordinary Genius: A Guide for the Poet Within, both from W.W. Norton. She often incorporates her love of blues harmonica into her readings.

Aaron Samuels is a Pushcart-nominated poet, a TEDx speaker, and an acclaimed facilitator of critical identity discussions. Raised in Providence, Rhode Island, by a Jewish-American mother and an African-American father, Aaron discovered spoken word poetry at age 14. He went on to become one of the premiere performance poets in the country. his debut collection of poetry, Yarmulkes & Fitted Caps, was released by Write Bloody Publishing in fall 2013.

$5 for students and $10 for general public in advance / $7 and $12 at door
For more info or to reserve tickets contact Jeff Kass, 734-223-7443 or [email protected]