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McCarthyism at UM: What Really Happened in 1954?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
4:00 AM
3512 Haven Hall

Screening of "Keeping in Mind: The McCarthy Era at the University of Michigan," a widely-known 1989 documentary about the purge of faculty from U-M. The film was prepared by a U-M Program in American Culture student Adam E. Kulakow as an Honors Thesis under the direction of David A. Hollinger (now president of the Organization of American Historians).
***H. Chandler Davis, the University of Toronto Mathematician who was one of the faculty suspended (Davis later served a prison sentence for "Contempt of Congress") will be present to answer questions and sign copies of his new book, "It Walks in Beauty: Selected Prose of Chandler Davis." Sponsored by the American Association of University Professors-U-M Chapter and the Academic Freedom Lecture Fund.