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What's Going On at MEMS?

Dear Friends,

MEMS continues to sponsor the Premodern Colloquium (meets Sunday afternoons once a month) as well as occasional MEMS Lectures.

We hope you will join us, and watch the website calendar of events for upcoming lectures and other activities of interest!

Uncertain Refuge: Sanctuary in Medieval Literature

Elizabeth Allen, University of California-Irvine
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
5:00-7:00 PM
Room 3222 Angell Hall Map
In medieval England, any felon could avoid prosecution under the law by running to a church. Ideally, the practice of sanctuary aligned divine aegis with royal mercy and human law to protect the lives of desperate people. But because it is a legal exception, sanctuary can also be resolutely unsafe. Jurisdictional arguments and violations of sanctuary dramatize questions about the relations between law, kingship, and divine aegis. Beginning with the strange miracle of a stag in sanctuary, this paper explores the ways in which uncertain refuge takes on political significance in a range of literary and documentary contexts
Building: Angell Hall
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: European, Literature
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS), Department of English Language and Literature