In January 2009 researchers from The University of Michigan’s Center for the Study of Complex Systems (CSCS) and School of  Public Health (SPH) held a two-day workshop on “Complex Systems Approaches to Population Health Issues.”

By the Fall of 2010, with support from NIH, the organizers of that meeting formed a vibrant research network of complex systems modelers and population health researchers from 18 disciplines that would meet 3 to 4 times a year to brainstorm and write about the overlaps in their interests. The heart of that group continued to be from CSCS (Riolo, Simon, Bruch, Cherng) and SPH (Kaplan, Diez Roux, Galea).

Last week Westphalia Press published a collection of the fruits of their work: Growing Inequality, Bridging Complex Systems, Population Health, and Health Disparities.  A steal at $25 for over 300 pages, it immediately rose to #1 on Amazon’s list of new books on poverty.  

For more information click here.

To download the table of contents and the introductory chapter, click here.