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Graduate Student Capstone: Teaching World Music Ensembles: Tradition and Creativity in the Academy

Monday, December 14, 2015
12:00 AM
Hankinson Hall, 1380 Moore, School of Music

Non-western percussion ensembles are a growing trend in collegiate percussion studios across the United States. In contrast to the ethnomusicological world music ensemble, which functions as a platform for academics to gain introductory performing experience, percussion studios are comprised primarily of students who have a high level of technical proficiency. These ensembles are generally taught with the goal of achieving a high level of traditional performing competence. In an effort to achieve authenticity in the final performance, important elements, such as creativity, audience understanding, and social identity are lost. By examining and redefining a world music performance by its process of creation instead of its final performance, these performance components can be retained, resulting in a more pedagogically and socially relevant experience for the performers and audience.

Shane Jones