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Madhav Deshpande: A Celebration of a Distinguished Career

Multiple Speakers
Friday, April 21, 2017
2:30-5:00 PM
East Conference Room Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.) Map
In August 1968, the Jaladuta set sail from Kerala on the west coast of India for America. On board was the 22-year-old Madhav Deshpande, bound for graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania. Fifty years later, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest Sanskrit scholars of his generation. You are invited to join his friends and students to celebrate his distinguished career. A reception will follow.
Building: Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)
Event Type: Conference / Symposium
Tags: Sanskrit, South Asian Literature
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Asian Languages and Cultures, Center for South Asian Studies